I did it! I ran!
All that talk with Duane Wright on my recent 300k and running inspiration from DartreDame got me out there running along Lake Washington. And it was good.
I liked the freedom, and the physicality of moving different muscles than I'm used to moving.
I won't go into all the reasons why cross training is alleged to be so good for athletes excepting the most popular: injury prevention. That alone is a pretty good one, but if you'd like to read a little more:
A few of my previous posts about cross training opportunities:
Wow, I had no idea I'd drilled down into this cross training idea so much. Problem is looking at that list, the only ones I have done more than a few times of late are the ones that have to do with firewood and double as chores.
Well, at least I keep my aspirations crossed and varied.
Photo courtesy of Wiki.
Keep it injury-free,