A few weeks ago it was Purple King Kong who terrorized the Kitsap Color Classic.
It must be the season, but yet another colorful horror figure attacked a Fall celebration. This time it was Green Frankensteen and the Pumpkin Push in Seward Park. Right after I paused briefly to snap this photo (and the other dozen or so I deleted that weren't up to my high quality standards) I rushed over and tackled Green Frankensteen. I spun his dorky, little, orange bowtie; wiped that crooked smirk of his envious face; and rescued poor DartreDame from his chartreuse clutches.
Fortunately for DartreDame, I've been diligently engaged in weight training ever since I got Cycling Anatomy, and I was able to muscle Green Frankensteen to the ground in time for Dartre to wriggle out.
Later, as Dartre recovered on a park bench--you can see she's not quite regained consciousness here--I was able finally to assess the extent of my injuries. Looks like I'll still be able to do my R-12 200k for November if I wait till mid-month or so. Pheew!
After Dartre was able to walk we stumbled onto the Pumpkin Push 5k Run finish line, and we spotted Underdog and an escaped prisoner. Lots of characters.
Inspired by the 5k'ers, we took a stroll around the park.
On returning, the Pumpkin Pushers had gathered around a bunch of what looked like dead humans on the ground. Huh?
The music cued, and Michael Jackson's Thriller came alive--or came dead--or came zombied, and the show began. About 30 or so Zombies did their thing to the Thriller soundtrack.
You can see a little video I shot of the Thriller Zombies here.
Very spooky! Later that night with their many Zombie friends they attempted to break the world record for folks dancing to Thriller. This all took place at Seattle's Occidental Park and in cities worldwide, but I don't know who won. Do you?
What's this got to do with cycling? Very little, except there were cyclists all around. The picture below shows how we cyclists often get the short end of the stick. Here, this young cyclist's father isn't just drafting behind his son on the three-wheeler. He's on his in-line skates forcing his young son to pull him around Seward Park! I called Child Cyclist Protective Services on him. Harrumph.
A fully recovered Dartre poses next to the Pumpkin Push placard.
All those Punkins got us in the mood...for our very own punkin. No, despite appearances, he ain't heavy, he's my brother. Leastwise, he feels like it 'cause I LOVE Halloween and the Autumn season!

Keep 'em away from Green Frankensteen,