Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tom Baker's Slide Show of Paris Brest Paris

Tom Baker was an American in Paris.

Apparently, Tom, a randonneur who now lives in Arizona, has been to the Paris Brest Paris several times. He has put together this wonderful slide show aimed at newbies like me, but not just.

It is chock full of details, and I've only just begun to devour it. I know many randonneurs have seen it already as it is floating around the listserves and blogs. But I also know many of my readers aren't on the listserves, aren't going to PBP, but would like to peek into that PBP world. Here's your chance.

Whatever your level of interest or engagement, do check it out. Tom includes history, great pics, practical info so that you come away with a sense of the whole experience that is Paris Brest Paris.

The pic above is purloined from the Arizona Brevets and Randonnee website, and it is the first slide in Tom's show. This Arizona site is a real find in itself. Links to blogs from the four corner region plus picks of randonneuring in the Grand Canyon. Wowser!

Thanks, Tom!

Keep it framed,
