Monday, June 6, 2011

The Joys and Torments of Solitude


This is from the August 2, 2010 cover of The New Yorker. It is a painting by J. J. Sempé titled The Joys and Torments of Solitude.

It reminds me of the Willamette Headwaters 600k Brevet. I DNF'd that ride and rode most of the really remote and wooded sections, like depicted here, with others. But still, the feeling I get from this painting and the feeling I retain from that ride are brothers within me. Hard to describe, but I love this painting! Joys and Torments.

I didn't know it when I first liked this painting, but the painter/cartoonist Jean-Jacques Sempé is French according to Wiki.

Keep it alongside what may not seem to be so akin,



  1. Thanks for sharing this painting.
    I like Sempé's works quite a lot. He also wrote and illustrated a little book called "Raoul Taburin". The main character Raoul Taburin owns a bicycle shop and is well liked by his customers. But he has a little secret... I leave you to find out. :-)

  2. Well, I have just ordered the book--the English translation--so I too will be in on the secret. Fun!

  3. Yes, that is reminiscent of the WH 600. Particularly, the climb up from Brice Creek on NFD 22.

    If you're interested in taking another shot at it, maybe you'll get your chance in 2013!
